Dicle Dövencioğlu
I studied in the Department of Mathematics, and in the Cognitive Science Program, Informatics Institute both in the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Then I moved to the UK to do my Ph.D. with Andrew Schofield and Andrew Welchman at the University of Birmingham. I started using psychophysics and fMRI techniques to investigate the perceptual basis of 3D vision from shading and binocular disparityinformation. Afterwards, I joined Katja Dörschner’s group to work in the EU funded PRISM project where I worked on 3D shape perception in relation to surface material and motion cues. Then I joined Knut Drewing’s team in Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, to research the haptic perception of material softness, e.g. How do people touch stuff when judging their softness? Do they explore differently to feel the softness of velvet or hand cream? Currently I am here doing MR imaging analysis.
For personal website: http://dicle.info/