3 Tesla MRI – Siemens Magnetom
UMRAM houses a Siemens MAGNETOM Trio system with transmit array capability.
– fMRI and DTI sequence licenses
– A visual stimulus presentation system that is composed of
NEC NP125 projector
NuView 489MCZ900 long-throw lens
2 x first reflectance mirrors (DaLite)
Translucent backprojection screen
– fORP 904 fMRI trigger & response system (Current Designs)
– Long range optics MR-compatible eye-tracking system (ASL)
– 3 x Brainvoyager licenses for fMRI analysis
– An 8 core workstation for data analysis (HP Z600)

1.5 Tesla MRI – Scimedix
UMRAM houses one 1.5T Scimedix MRI scanner. The scanner has been installed in 2016. This system is designed to be open for software and hardware development.

Psychophysics Lab
Psychophysics lab is a dark room which is dedicated to visual research experiments.
Our equipment include the following
– Desktop remote mounted optics eye-tracking system (Applied Science Laboratories)
– Three Desktop PCs
– Two 21 inch, one 30 inch LCD monitors (NEC)
– Two head/chin rests

EEG System
UMRAM houses 64 channel MR Compatible EEG System (Brain Products, GmbH).
The system includes the following:
– BrainAmp MR: MR Compatible Amplifier (64 channels)
– BrainAmp ExG MR: MR Compatible Bipolar System (12 channels)
– SyncBox: Phase synchronization between the EEG equipment and the MRI scanner
– Softwares: BrainVision Analyzer – BrainVision Recorder – BrainVision RecView

RF Lab
Radiofrequency laboratory is equipped with all necessary tools and measurement devices for building radiofrequency coils.

Electronics Lab
Electronics laboratory is equipped with all necessary tools and measurement devices for the project and research purposes.