Research Groups

Ergin Atalar Laboratory
Conducting research on various aspects of MRI technology including safety of implants, nonlinear gradients, radiofrequency transmit array under supervision of Prof.Dr. Ergin Atalar.

Computational and Biological Vision Group
Research in the lab is focused on visual perception and its neuronal underpinnings. We use behavioral experimentation, neuroimaging (fMRI), and computational modeling to find answers to problems of vision science.

Imaging and Computational Neuroscience Laboratory
ICON lab develops cutting-edge imaging and computational methods for biomedical research.

Cortical Dynamics and Perception Lab
The research group aims to elucidate the neural processes underlying visual perception and cognition.

Sarıtaş MPI Laboratory
Research area of the group is focused on MPI techniques and MRI hardware solutions.

Dr. Michelle Adams Lab
Research in the laboratory focuses on understanding the cellular and synaptic changes in the aging brain that may be contributing to age-related cognitive decline.

Radiology Research Group
Radiology Researches are conducted under the supervision of Dr. K.K.Oguz and concentrate on a variety of disorders and their related effects on morphologic and functional properties of the brain parenchyma. She currently conducts a number of advanced MR imaging studies on temporal lobe epilepsy, chronic recurrent inflammatory optic neuritis, schizophrenia, neurodegenerative movement disorders and poststroke physical rehabilitation at UMRAM.

Dörschner Brain and Perception Lab
Research in our lab focuses on visual perception, aiming to understand the mechanisms by which the brain is able to construct a rich perceptual experience from the inherently ambiguous retinal input. Specifically, we investigate what kind of information the visual system utilizes to estimate object qualities and how this information is extracted by the brain.

Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Lab (Ürgen Lab)
We investigate the neural and computational mechanisms that underlie visual perception and cognition in humans using behavioural experiments, neuroimaging (fMRI and EEG), and computational modeling.

Koc Lab
Research in the group focuses on NLP and signal processing

Higher Cognitive Functions Group
Welcome to the site of Higher Cognitive Functions group of Bilkent University, located in Ankara, Turkey. Our research group is coordinated by Asst. Prof. Ausaf Ahmed Farooqui, a faculty member in the Department of Psychology and the Neuroscience Graduate program. Our studies and operations take place at the Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research Center and the National Magnetic Resonance Research Center (UMRAM) in Bilkent.
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