Yearly Archives: 2024

Text-RGNNs: Relational Modeling for Heterogeneous Text Graphs

Happy to share our latest paper titled “Text-RGNNs: Relational Modeling for Heterogeneous Text Graphs” published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters! Building on the foundational Text-graph convolutional Network (TextGCN), which represents corpus with heterogeneous text graphs, we addressed a key limitation: GCNs are inherently designed to operate within homogeneous graphs, potentially limiting their performance. To overcome […]

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UMRAM/NSC-ASBAM Bahar 2024 Seminerleri: ”Complex computations in tiny brains – stereoscopic vision in insects”

Dr. Ronny Rosner  Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany   Tarih/Zaman: Thursday, 30 May 2024, 16:30 Yer: SC106 (UMRAM) Most insect brains surpass any man-made control system in their ability to autonomously orient within 3D space. Moreover, although insects are evolutionarily distant from vertebrates, studying their more accessible brains can hold profound implications for understanding fundamental neural […]

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ISMRM 2024’de UMRAM sunumlari

  UMRAM araştırmacıları 4-9 Mayıs 2024 tarihinde Singapur’da gerçekleşen ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition toplantısında birçok seminer ve sunum gerçekleştirdi.   Educational lecture: Dr. Ergin Atalar: “Gradient Coil Design” Dr. Emine U. Saritas: “Emerging AI Methods To Address Motion & Susceptibility Artifacts” Oral: Abdallah Alkilani: “A Phase-Injected Complex Forward-Distortion Approach for Deep Unsupervised […]

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Dr. Çukur’a ISMRM Fellow Payesi Verildi

Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü öğretim üyesi ve UMRAM Direktörü Prof. Dr. Tolga Çukur, hesaplamalı manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) teknolojilerine üstün katkılarından ötürü, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) tarafından Fellow olarak seçildi. 30 yıllık tarihiyle tıp, biyoloji ve ilgili diğer alanlarda MRG araştırma, geliştirme ve uygulama etkinliklerini desteklemeyi sürdüren uluslararası bilim kuruluşu ISMRM, Dr. […]

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Wiener Filtering in Joint Time-Vertex Fractional Fourier Domains

We are excited to share our latest work on joint time-vertex signal processing published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters! In this paper, we explore the complexities of time-varying graph signals and how they can be more efficiently processed using the joint time-vertex framework. Traditionally, separating signal from noise in these structures has posed significant challenges. […]

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