Update for the Rules of using UMRAM 3T Schedule

In order to further improve the efficient use of the 3T scanner, we are introducing the following two new regulations:

1. All users will be limited to make a maximum of 8 hours of future reservation per project. As the reservation hours are used, new ones can be made within this cap. If you have special needs and requests regarding this rule please let us know.

2. All users are required to include the following information in the description box of the Google calendar appointment: Name of the examiner, name & number of the project, name of the principle investigator of the project, ethics approval number (if applicable). If you do not have an externally supported project, you can fill the project name and number part as ‘Pilot study’.

If you have not yet done so, please send us information about your projects (e.g. the cover letter of a TUBITAK 1001 project agreement) and ethics approval.(nurbanu.alparslan@umram.bilkent.edu.tr musa.aslandogdu@umram.bilkent.edu.tr).


Study Description EX:

Examiner: Name_Surname

Name & number of the Project: “XXXXXXX”, TUBITAK-1001 111X111

Principle Investigator: Name_Surname

Ethics Approval: Bilkent Ethics Committee, Number: xxxx_xx_xx_xx


1. It is not permitted to make reservations of a duration of 3 hours or more between 09:00-17:30, 2 or more work days prior to the day for which the reservation is made. For special cases, please contact the administrator.
2. Appointments for which the owner is more than 15 minutes late, without prior notification about the delay, may be cancelled and transferred to other users.
3. Users who have cancelled their appointments at least 24 hour prior to the scheduled time need to notify the group via e mail.
4. Users who cancel their appointment with short notice are required to find a replacement for their time slot. Therefore, they are advised to get in touch with the following appointment owners. If this is not possible they may cancel their appointment by notifying the administrator and the group.
5. If a user does not keep his/her appointment two times within a period of 30 days with no prior notification he/ she may lose their authorisation of accessing the MR calender and may thus be prohibited to schedule their own appointments.
6. Unforeseen delays in the scanner schedule due to technical problems will be compensated on the same day – as much as possible – depending on the availability in the schedule and the
assessment by the administrator.
7. You must use the same colour with other users when you get a reservation on UMRAM 3T schedule.
8. All users are required to include the following information in the description box of the Google calendar appointment: Name of the examiner, name & number of the project, name of the principle investigator of the project, ethics approval number (if applicable). If you do not have an externally supported project, you can fill the project name and number part as ‘Pilot study’.
9. All users will be limited to make a maximum of 8 hours of future reservation per project. As the reservation hours are used, new ones can be made within this cap. If you have special needs and requests regarding this rule please let us know.