UMRAM presentations at ISMRM 2024



UMRAM had broad participation in the 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition held 04-09 May 2024 in Singapore. Two educational lectures as well as five oral, one power pitch and two digital poster presentations were delivered by UMRAM faculty and students.


Educational lecture:

Dr. Ergin Atalar: “Gradient Coil Design”

Dr. Emine U. Saritas: “Emerging AI Methods To Address Motion & Susceptibility Artifacts”


Abdallah Alkilani: “A Phase-Injected Complex Forward-Distortion Approach for Deep Unsupervised Correction of Susceptibility Artifacts in EPI”

Atakan Bedel: “Explaining Deep fMRI Classifiers with Diffusion-Driven Counterfactual Generation”

Yilmaz Korkmaz: “Diffusion Modeling with Unrolled Transformers for Self-Supervised MRI Reconstruction”

Usama Mirza: “Accelerated MRI Reconstruction with Fourier-Constrained Diffusion Schrodinger Bridges”

Valiyeh Nezhad: “Peer-to-Peer Generative Learning for Architecture-Agnostic Federated MRI Reconstruction”

Power pitch:

Atakan Topcu: “Unsupervised q-Space Interpolation Using Physics-Constrained Coordinate-Based Implicit Network”

Digital poster:

Reza Babaloo: “Head-Only Z-gradient Array Coil: Induced Electric Field Analysis of 2- and 3-layer Designs”

Mehmet E. Ozturk: “Pulse Sequence Design for Gradient Arrays in MRI”

Manouchehr Takrimi: “Calculation of Eddy Power Losses Within the Cryostat Generated by Array or Conventional Gradient Assembly for Arbitrary Pulse Sequences”