
Broadband Analysis of Multiscale Electromagnetic Problems: Novel Incomplete-Leaf MLFMA for Potential Integral Equations

Dr. Manouchehr Takrimi’s work on computational electromagnetics has recently been published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Incomplete tree structures are used in conjunction with the mixed-form multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) for the solution of potential integral equations (PIEs) leading to an algorithm that can perform an accurate and efficient analysis of electromagnetic scattering/radiation for […]

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Optimal Fractional Fourier Filtering for Graph Signals

Dr. Aykut Koç’s work on graph signal processing (GSP) has recently been published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. In this contribution to the graph signal processing (GSP), Dr. Koç and his collaborators formulate the problem of optimal filtering in fractional Fourier domains on graphs and provide closed form solution of it for GSP. We […]

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Graph Signal Processing: Vertex Multiplication

A fundamental contribution from KocLab to Graph Signal Processing (GSP) has been recently published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, where a new operation called Vertex Multiplication has been introduced. On the Euclidean domains of classical signal processing, linking of signal samples to the underlying coordinate structure is straightforward. However, a major problem in graph signal […]

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A comparison between the CS-TOF and the CTA/DSA for WEB device management

Dr. Algin and his team’s new study has been published. The results of a recent study conducted by Prof. Dr. Oktay ALGIN and the scientists they worked with were published in the scientific journal “Interventional Neuroradiology”. In the study named “A comparison between the CS-TOF and the CTA / DSA for WEB device management”; It […]

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