
UMRAM hosted the “Basic fMRI Course” organized by The Psychiatric Association of Turkey (PAT)

UMRAM  hosted the “Basic fMRI Course” on 16 -17 March  which was organized by Assoc. Prof. Orhan Murat Kocak of The Psychiatric Association of Turkey (PAT)  Ankara Branch.The course has started with a technical briefing about MRI Scanners given by our MR technician Mr.Musa Kurnaz. After that an imaging practice session was held using the experimental paradigm of the functional imaging […]

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Promotion of Huseyin Boyaci

UMRAM faculty, Dr. Huseyin Boyaci has been promoted to Associate Professor of Psychology in Bilkent University. Promotion to associate professor is a distinct honor reserved for faculty members who demonstrated consistently outstanding achievement in teaching and research. Dr. Boyaci is a graduate of Bilkent University. After receiving his PhD, he joined New York University as post-doctoral fellow. […]

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TUBITAK 47 Science Awards are given to their recipients.

TUBITAK 47 Science Awards has been given to their recipients at a ceremony in Cankaya Presidential Palace under the auspices of President Abdullah Gül. Ass. Prof. Katja Doerschner of UMRAM had been awarded  TUBITAK encouragement prize for her works in the field of ‘the functioning and the development of the human visual system’  and Professor […]

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The fast approaching year of 2013 has been celebrated  in UMRAM at a party that is held with a large number of participants. We would like to extend our warmest new year wishes once more to everybody especially to the ones who has honored us by coming to UMRAM to celebrate the new year with […]

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Patent on Implant Heat Reduction

A US patent has been issued on reduction of implant heating during magnetic resonance examination. Excessive heating of cardiac pacemaker is a significant problem in magnetic resonance imaging. This prohibits patients with implants to be examined  with this powerful imaging technique. Yigitcan Eryaman and Ergin Atalar have addressed this problem by adjusting the applied electromagnetic […]

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