
Two US patents were issued

The work of former students of Prof. Ergin Atalar, Axel Krieger and late Robert Susil was filed as patent application in 2003. After a long process, a US patent was issued with patent number of 8,244,327. The patent was licensed to Sentinelle  Medical which is acquired by Hologic, Inc. In this work, Axel and Robert developed […]

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Party For leavers

We had a farewell party for our researchers Emre Kopanoglu and Burak Akın who have left UMRAM after completing their graduate studies. Emre is going to continue his researches in Yale University in Boston USA as a postdoctoral fellow and Burak will be studying towards Ph.D. degree in Freiburg University, Germany. They will be missed […]

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UMRAM partner in a Marie Curie ITN

Bilkent University and UMRAM are full partner in a Marie Curie ITN consisting of 7 leading Universities and 2 industrial partners, and will receive a total of 237.000 Euros (Total Project Budget: 3,014,865.92 Euros) over the period of 48 months, starting January 1, 2013. The project is coordinated by Dr. Roland Fleming at the Justus-Liebig […]

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TUBITAK awards go to Drs. Doerschner and Ozcelik

Dr. Katja Doerschner received 2012 TUBITAK  Encouragement Award in the field of social sciences. In addition, UMRAM collaborator and the Dean of Faculty of Science Prof. Tayfun Ozcelik received the Science Award in the field of health sciences.   The Encouragement Awards are given every year for the young scientists who has potential to contribute to science in the […]

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Prof. Oguz received a TUBITAK 1001

Professor Kader Karli Oguz of UMRAM has received a notice of grant award from TUBITAK. Her project is entitled “ASSESSMENT OF RESTING-STATE FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING AND DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING FINDINGS AND CORRELATION WITH PROGNOSIS AFTER SURGERY IN REFRACTORY TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY.” Her  project’s abstract is as follows: Although temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most frequent […]

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